College Credit Plus

College Credit Plus (CCP) allows Swanton students in grades 7-12 to have the opportunity to take courses at local Ohio colleges where they can earn both college and high school credit. For students to be eligible to participate in CCP, they are required to attend an annual CCP information meeting (accompanied by a parent or guardian), fill out and return the letter of intent before April 1st, apply to the CCP college and adhere to all of the college’s enrollment steps. Students interested in CCP are required to complete this process every year as rules and laws for CCP change. Students may choose to take CCP dual credit courses at SHS or they may take online or in person classes at the Ohio college.  Detailed information on CCP enrollment steps is found in the CCP informational packet.

CCP Deadline | April 1st | CCP Letter of Intent form is due to the SHS Counseling office

Local University’s CCP Pages

ODE College Credit Plus

An introduction to the College Credit Plus program for students and families.

Owens Community College CCP

Frequently asked questions for  College Credit Plus.

Northwest State Community College CCP

Letter of Intent to Participate in College Credit Plus.

Lourdes CCP

College Credit Plus offerings from local institutions.

CCP Pathways

Additional Resources

Intent to Participate for Home School Students

Letter of Intent to Participate in College Credit Plus for Home School Students.

Fee Obligation Form

Fee obligation form for College Credit Plus.

CCP Enrollment Steps

Fee obligation form for College Credit Plus.